We ALL have a responsibility to promote high standards of behaviour within walking football therefore this code of conduct has been developed with players and coaches.

Walking Football Scotland strongly recommends that all clubs/groups adopt these for both casual sessions and competitions

On and off the field I will:

  • Place the well-being, safety and enjoyment of each player above everything, including winning

  • Adhere to the rules

  • Display and promote high standards of behaviour

  • Promote fair play

  • Always respect the match officials and organiser’s decisions

  • Never engage in or tolerate offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour

  • Never engage in bullying, intimidation or harassment

  • Speak to my team-mates, the opposition, spectators , organisers and my coach/manager with respect

  • Remember we all make mistakes

  • Win or lose with dignity. 

  • Shake hands with the opposing team and the referee at the end of every game

  • Be an ambassador for my club