Menopause Investigation - Dr Laura Wallace

Menopause and Walking Football: a qualitative exploration of the experiences of female players in Scotland

On behalf of Dr Laura Wallace from University of West of Scotland we share a new investigation into menopause and walking football.

Are you currently going, or have you recently gone, through the menopause? Are / were you participating in walking football?

If so, Laura would love to hear from  you!

As a walking footballer, with a keen interest in women's health, she is hoping to explore the experiences of female players of menopausal age, to understand any potential impact one may have on the other. The study will involve taking part in an informal online focus group, where you will be able to discuss your experiences with other female players.

All ages and abilities are welcome, whether playing competitively and / or recreationally. It also does not matter to what extent, if any, that you experience(d) menopause symptoms. No identifying information will be shared beyond the group itself.

Please see below Participant Information Sheet for more information, and email, with any queries / to sign up. Thank you!

Reason for the study

With a few exceptions, all women will experience the menopause, and for some this brings a range of symptoms. With evidence of a negative relationship between menopause symptoms and wellbeing, and the positive benefits associated with physical activity – with specific reference to team activities – and wellbeing, this study aims to investigate the experiences of female walking footballers, to find how the sport may influence their experience of the menopause.

What is involved in the study?

You will be involved inn online focus group of around eight female walking football players. The focus group will be led by the researcher, who will record the discussion with your consent, before using the information to make suggestions that will hopefully provide recommendations that can help other women negotiate the menopause. These discussions will be arranged at a time and date that suits you.


All information provided in the discussion will be kept confidential, and anonymised for any presentation of results. When sharing findings, all players will be given a pseudonym, with any other identifying information removed or altered.


I see little risk involved in taking part in this study, although I understand menopause can be a sensitive topic, and you only have to contribute as much as you feel comfortable sharing. At the focus group there will also be information available that can provide further support about going through the menopause.

Right to withdraw

If you choose to take part in this study, you have the right to withdraw at any time, and do not have to give any reason for doing so. This can be done by emailing Once the focus groups have begun, any recordings will not be able to be withdrawn, however it will remain confidential.

Further information

If you have any queries, do not hesitate to contact Laura Wallace at the email address above. If you wish to make a complaint, please contact Nick Sculthorpe, Chair of research, Division of Sport, Health & Exercise, Professor Nick Sculthorpe.